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Getting Started

Description:桃芯 SDK 包含核心工具、平台代码包、程序示例及文档。 0. 获取开发板 在淘宝商城 购买开发板。 立即体验: 现在,使用 Playground(游乐园)软件 , 不需要任何开发经验,甚至不需要懂英语, 只需要一块 ING91881B 开发板 和一台 Windows 计算机, 立即开始体验桃芯科技。 1. 准备开发环境 SDK 不包含开发环境和编译器,用户需要事先准备好所有的开发环境。桃芯 SDK 支持 Keil MDK、IAR 等IDE,也支持 GNU Arm Embedded 工具链。 2. 下载 SDK 安装包 根据所使用的操作系统,下载 相应的 SDK 版本。 3. 安装 SDK 在安装向导的组件选择页面,提供了 IDE/Toolchain 集成选项,勾选某 IDE/Toolchain 表示对该 IDE/Toolchain 做适当配置,而非表示自动安装该 IDE/Toolchain。因此,只需要勾选已安装的开发环境和工具链,不要勾选没有安装的开发环境和工具链。 4. 阅读文档、示例 安装完毕后,打开 ingWizard,可以查看 SDK 用户手册、示例程序。 开发板的使用方法请参阅ING91881B 开发板使用手册、ING91880 开发板使用手册。 5. 编译、烧写示例程序 以 LED 示例程序 Peripheral LED 为例, 在 ingWizard 里点击该程序即可在 Keil 里打开,编译后回到 ingWizard 下载程序。 (详情可参考 SDK 用户手册中的教程部分) 开发板烧写了 Peripheral LED 程序后,通过手机 App 可以实时控制开发板上的三色 LED。 6. 用 APP 连接 扫码下载 iOS、Android 演示 App(ING BLE)。打开 App,点按扫描按钮,扫描到名为“ING LED”的设备后, 点按设备名以连接到设备,然后在 App 里控制 LED 的 R/G/B 三色分量。   Note: iOS/Android 应用需要授予定位权限才能使用蓝牙设备。   7. 温馨提示 推荐使用 Keil µVision 开发环境。 注意: 需要安装 Keil MDK 版本,而非 51 版本。 SDK 目前优先支持 Windows,Linux,MacOS 更新较慢。 开发版支持使用 USB 供电,不需要外接电源。 开发板内置 DAPLink,即插即用。
Description:桃芯 SDK 包含核心工具、平台代码包、程序示例及文档。 0. 获取开发板 在淘宝商城 购买开发板。 立即体验: 现在,使用 Playground(游乐园)软件 , 不需要任何开发经验,甚至不需要懂英语, 只需要一块 ING91881B 开发板 和一台 Windows 计算机, 立即开始体验桃芯科技。 1. 准备开发环境 SDK 不包含开发环境和编译器,用户需要事先准备好所有的开发环境。桃芯 SDK 支持 Keil MDK、IAR 等IDE,也支持 GNU Arm Embedded 工具链。 2. 下载 SDK 安装包 根据所使用的操作系统,下载 相应的 SDK 版本。 3. 安装 SDK 在安装向导的组件选择页面,提供了 IDE/Toolchain 集成选项,勾选某 IDE/Toolchain 表示对该 IDE/Toolchain 做适当配置,而非表示自动安装该 IDE/Toolchain。因此,只需要勾选已安装的开发环境和工具链,不要勾选没有安装的开发环境和工具链。 4. 阅读文档、示例 安装完毕后,打开 ingWizard,可以查看 SDK 用户手册、示例程序。 开发板的使用方法请参阅ING91881B 开发板使用手册、ING91880 开发板使用手册。 5. 编译、烧写示例程序 以 LED 示例程序 Peripheral LED 为例, 在 ingWizard 里点击该程序即可在 Keil 里打开,编译后回到 ingWizard 下载程序。 (详情可参考 SDK 用户手册中的教程部分) 开发板烧写了 Peripheral LED 程序后,通过手机 App 可以实时控制开发板上的三色 LED。 6. 用 APP 连接 扫码下载 iOS、Android 演示 App(ING BLE)。打开 App,点按扫描按钮,扫描到名为“ING LED”的设备后, 点按设备名以连接到设备,然后在 App 里控制 LED 的 R/G/B 三色分量。   Note: iOS/Android 应用需要授予定位权限才能使用蓝牙设备。   7. 温馨提示 推荐使用 Keil µVision 开发环境。 注意: 需要安装 Keil MDK 版本,而非 51 版本。 SDK 目前优先支持 Windows,Linux,MacOS 更新较慢。 开发版支持使用 USB 供电,不需要外接电源。 开发板内置 DAPLink,即插即用。

1. Introduction

This article will introduce how to use resources such as INGCHIPS homepage, Wiki, GitHub and Larketc. select chips, set up software and hardware development environments, develop products and eventually get through the certification, achieve mass production.

2. Chips Selection

The part numbers and related information of INGCHIPS chips can be get from  INGCHIPS homepage.



ING918X series SoC that support Bluetooth 5.0 and 5.1, with more advanced technology, are mainly used in automotive and industrial scenarios such as Automotive, Power grid, Medical,  Indoor Positioning, etc.


ING916X series SoC that support BLE5.3 and BLE5.4, integrated more powerful CPU core, more peripherals such as USB2.0, and these products greatly expand the INGCHIPS applications, such as HID, Mesh, ESL, AR/VR, etc.


The specific information of every part number can be obtained by the part number links on the homepage.



The datasheet and development materials for each part number can also be downloaded at the bottom of its page.

3. Prepare Hardware Development Environment

It is recommended to use the INGCHIPS' evaluation boards in the early stage of the development. Typical chips have corresponding evaluation boards. Please contact INGCHIPS's sales for support or purchase.


Please refer to "ING916X Evaluation Boards User Guide" (which can be downloaded from the Document Centre of the INGCHIPS homepage) for development of ING916X serial SoC.


Please refer to "ING918Evaluation Boards User Guide" (which can be downloaded from the Document Centre of the INGCHIPS homepage) for development of ING918X serial SoC.


4. Prepare Software Development Environment

It is required to prepare SDK and IDE for software development.

4.1 SDK

INGCHIPS provides a SDK for BLE development, which integrates a large number of demos and practical tools. Common tools for BLE chip development can be found, such as:

  • Downloader;
  • Test tool for BQB;
  • Cube: peripheral configuration tool;
  • Broadcast and GATT data configuration tools, etc;

SDK can be downloaded from  INGCHIPS homepage.


4.2 IDE

INGCHIPS supports development environments such as Keil, IAR, GCC, etc. At present, Keil has the best support and the most abundant examples. It is recommended that developers prioritize developing in the Keil environment.


Keil can be installed in the usual way.  


Note: the IDE needs to be installed first, followed by the SDK installation.


Developers need to choose IDE to use during the SDK installation process. If Keil or IAR is selected, developers need to continue selecting the installation path for Keil/IAR, so that the chip pack package will be automatically installed for Keil/IAR during the SDK installation process.

5. Product Development

Developers can develop their own product after the environment verification by using the evaluation board and the examples on the SDK.


Please refer to the corresponding EVB SCH and PCB ( which can be downloaded from Evaluation Board interface of the INGCHIPS homepage) for hardware design. Also, please refer to the hardware design documents during the design process.



In the software development process, in addition to the demo, developers can also understand the characteristics and usage methods of INGCHIPS's self-developed protocol stack by reading the corresponding documents, such as:

6. Testing and Certification

If the product requires certifications such as BQB/SRRC/FCC or self testing for RF performance, INGCHIPS provides corresponding testing methods. Please refer to the "RF Testing  Guide" (which can be downloaded from the Document Centre ).


7. Mass Production Instructions

Please refer to "MP Instructions" , "MP with UART or USB", "MP with the MP kit", "MP with SWD" and "Customer IP protection" (which can be downloaded from the Document Centre)

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Copyright:Ingchips Technology Co., Ltd.  苏ICP备2022018764号-2       BY : xinnet

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