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How to evaluate RF performance quickly?
Method 1: Use a Bluetooth Tester
1. From the main menu of ingWizard Test → Download BQB RF Test Binary to download BQB test program;
2. Connect HCI UART to tester for automatic testing.
UART configurations:
○ 2 wire, no hardware flow control
○ TX and RX are using PIN 2 and 3 respectively
○ Band rate: 115200
○ Data bits: 8
○ Stop bits: 1
○ Parity: none
Method 2: Use a spectrum analyzer
1. From the main menu of ingWizard Test → Download BQB RF Test Binary to download BQB test program;
2. From the main menu of ingWizard Tools → More → BQB RF Test to start the BQB RF Test tool;
3. Use BQB RF Test tool to control device to transmit CW and measure its strength and frequency offset;
1. Call gap_vendor_tx_continuous_wave API in existing project to transmit CW and measure its strength and frequency offset.
Method 3: Use dev-board to do a simple evaluation
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